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Improving the Precision and Accuracy of ICP-OES Analyses
is the standard elemental analytical method in almost every laboratory. Since it enables the analysis of about 75 elements including non-metals and halogens, provides high analysis speeds using simultaneous measuring technology, covers a wide concentration range from ppb to percent, and is quite easy to calibrate (few interferences & calibrations are mostly linear) the method has largely replaced other techniques for routine analysis.
But what used to be the manual analysis of a hand full of samples per day, is the fully automatic processing of hundreds of samples today. In addition, analytical requirements have increased. Particularly for the control of formulations an accurate analysis is often paramount for the performance of the product and the economic success.
Principally, ICP-OES is a stable method. Still, there are influences on the sample and the sample transport through ambient changes and the wear of components. Even though small, they can add up over time.
Standard correction methodologies help to improve the precision of the analysis, compensate for such variations, and ensure the validity of the analysis. But to work efficiently, they need to be based on tolerances – acceptable when analyzing trace amounts but often insufficient for the accurate analysis of major compounds. Dynamic compensation solves this dilemma. Relevant methods will be presented in this webcast.
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Improving the Precision and Accuracy of ICP-OES Analyses