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Elemental Analysis of Fine Chemicals Using the New SPECTRO ARCOS ICP-OES
elemental analysis
to produce fine
can be a challenging analytical task. The applications are diverse and demand the determination of major, minor and trace elements in a wide range of substances. These may include acid salts, catalysts, complex and partly line-rich components like lithium-ion battery materials but also pigments, fibers, or other materials to produce pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, various organic or inorganic chemical products.
Since the composition usually influences the properties, high demands are placed on elemental analysis. For common
ICP optical emission spectrometers
, this can be a challenging task since not all requirements can be equally met.
The new
offers the solution. The ARCOS combines state-the-art-technologies in a package that lets the instrument adapt to specific requirements without compromises, allowing for the highest possible performance in every respect.
Presenting figures of merit for several applications, this webcast presents the technologies applied and their benefits for the user.
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Elemental Analysis of Fine Chemicals Using the New SPECTRO ARCOS ICP-OES