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Palm Oil: Elemental Analysis and Provenance Testing
Palm oil is one of the most widely used vegetable oils in the world. It is extracted from the fruits of the oil palm and is found as a component in food, cosmetics, detergents and biofuel. The demand for provenance testing as well as the analysis of trace elements in palm oil is a demanding application.
In terms of trace elements, the analysis of the chloride content is very important as chloride can trigger the formation of 3-monochloro-1,2-propanediol and its esters (3-MCPDE), which is regulated in various products in different regions. In addition, concentrations of other elements like sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, sulfur, potassium and calcium are of interest, too.
This on-demand webinar outlines the provenance testing using isotope ratio mass spectrometry as well as using
XRF technology
elemental analysis
of palm oil.
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Palm Oil: Elemental Analysis and Provenance Testing