Comparison of Nebulizer Types


A Comparative Analysis of Nebulizer Types for ICP-OES in Various Sample Matrices

Optical emission spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma (ICP-OES) is one of the most important techniques in instrumental elemental analysis. The areas of application cover a wide range of matrices, from water and soil samples to oils and fuels. The very versatile technique can be used for the quantitative determination of over 70 elements. Due to the influence of the sample matrix on the analytical performance, a specific approach for the different applications is needed to achieve optimal results.

This includes the selection of a suitable sample introduction system, which consists of a plasma torch, a nebulizer and a spray chamber, and the optimization of the plasma parameters, such as the plasma power, the plasma gasses, and the nebulizer gas flow.

To demonstrate the differences between a clean matrix, one with higher amounts of dissolved solids and matrices with organic components, unpolluted water, 10 % NaCl, kerosene and 50 % isopropyl alcohol matrix were examined and tested with the most commonly used nebulizers.

Find out the results in this comprehensive ICP-OES report.