ICP-OES or Flame AAS – Which Spectrometer Technology is Best for You?


Dual Side-On Interface (DSOI): Better Than Dual-View ICP

This webcast is about one of the most significant developments in plasma viewing technology over the last 25 years. With the introduction of dual side on plasma observation (DSOI), the principal disadvantage of vertical torch radial plasma observation, the lower sensitivity but also the numerous drawbacks of dual viewing technologies developed as an improvement, could finally be overcome.

While DSOI plasma observation dramatically enhances sensitivity, the principal vertical design and the absence of interfaces with direct contact to the plasma offers all the classical advantages of radial viewing—freedom from matrix interferences, high stability, high matrix compatibility and linearity and no suffering from the interface contamination. In addition, this technology requires only one plasma view for the complete analysis.

It will also be demonstrated that the new plasma interface provides a dramatic increase in performance, sensitivity, robustness, and analysis speed—along with a significant lowering of daily operating costs. Offering advantages for a wide variety of applications, including analyses of water, wastewater, soil/sludge, chemicals, petrochemicals, and metals relevant examples and figures of merit will be shown.

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