Case Study Pure Lithium


SPECTRO ARCOS Helps Energize Pure Lithium’s Development of Next-Generation Batteries

The race is on! What breakthrough battery technologies will power the world’s next generation of energy-hungry devices, from cellphones to electric vehicles? One likely winner: the rechargeable lithium metal batteries now being commercialized by startup Pure Lithium in Charlestown, Massachusetts, USA. Its research and development demands fast, accurate, precise analysis of a wide range of sample materials, including line-rich metals.

In early 2021, the company installed a SPECTRO ARCOS inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) analyzer. This elemental analyzer is designed for the most advanced elemental analysis of metals, chemicals, petrochemicals, and other materials. It delivers exceptionally high continuous optical resolution over a wide spectral range — with full spectrum capture — plus stellar sensitivity.

Learn more in this compelling case study.

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