When it comes to metals specifications, the news is full of mismeasurements, mistakes, and scandals in a host of industries. It’s increasingly clear that quality-conscious organizations can’t afford to give off their responsibility for metals verification. Inspecting the metals makeup of incoming and outgoing components has become a critical quality control (QC) task for companies worldwide.
Fortunately, inspection can be easily, accurately, and affordably accomplished. Use advanced solutions from SPECTRO Analytical Instruments: either the flagship SPECROTEST mobile metal analyzer, or the more portable SPECTROPORT metal analyzer.
Both instruments routinely perform analyses for ferrous, aluminum, copper, nickel, cobalt and titanium alloys. SPECTROTEST’s no-compromise, high-resolution optical system can handle all elements necessary for a complete metal analysis on the spot. So it also delivers excellent results when measuring nitrogen in ferrous-based alloys such as duplex steels; detecting small amounts of lithium and sodium in aluminum-based materials; or it is used also for tin, zinc, lead and magnesium based alloys.
Find out more by downloading this informative product bulletin.