Screening and Quantification For Heavy Metals In Cosmetics Using ED-XRF


Upgrade to SPECTROTEST for Even Faster Readiness on the Spot

The SPECTROTEST mobile spectrometer delivers precise results without compromise when an exact metal analysis is required, materials are difficult to identify, or there is a large number of samples to be tested.

There’s no need to compromises when using the SPECTROTEST. The new integrated PC reduces the start-up time of the device significantly by a factor of 2.5.

Example: If you have moved the SPECTROTEST to a different testing location and were not operating in battery mode, the software, with its measurement screen, is up and ready again in less than a minute!

Thus, the entire operation of the SPECROTEST has become more efficient by the faster readiness on the spot.

The change to the Windows 10 IoT Enterprise edition in 64-bit architecture on SPECTROTEST not only features multi-language capabilities, but also ensures long-term support. Keep your existing SPECTROTEST (TXC03 & TXC35) up-to-date The upgrade is available for the SPECTROTEST models TXC03 & TXC35.

Please contact your local SPECTRO subsidiary or regional SPECTRO representative for more information.

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