Smart Background Correction


Smart Background Correction for ICP-OES Analyses – A Unique Solution for Complex Matrices

Discover how SPECTRO’s Smart Background Correction (SBC) offers an unparalleled solution to the challenges of analyzing complex matrices in ICP-OES. Laboratories often struggle with spectral interferences when dealing with samples like wines or iron-rich materials. SBC simplifies this process by enabling precise correction for complex backgrounds without the need for extensive sample preparation.

This ICP-OES report provides a comprehensive look at the SBC technique, which eliminates the need to manually define background positions, correcting for both partial spectral overlaps and varying background signal levels. By utilizing a pixel intensity-based approach, it ensures accurate results, even in the most complex analytical environments.

Learn how SBC can streamline your lab operations, reducing errors and saving valuable time. Download the full report to explore detailed examples, including the correction of ethanol and iron matrices, and see how SBC can improve your elemental analysis today.