Ferro Alloys


Elemental Analysis of Ferro-Alloys Prepared as Fused Beads

X-ray fluorescence (XRF) is a widely used technique for analyzing ferro alloys. For a fast sorting, samples can be prepared as powders in cups. Pressed pellets are chosen as sample preparation when higher accuracy is required but special calibrations are neccessary, especially if the grain size of the sample differs from available reference samples.

To avoid the influence of different grain sizes, the samples can also be prepared as fused beads. When preparing fused beads, the sample material must be oxidized to avoid damage of the platinum crucible. Standard operation procedures describe the process and list the required chemicals. With that approach even different types of ferro alloys can be analyzed with one method.

This application report outlines the analysis of ferry alloys using the SPECTRO XEPOS. It represents a quantum leap in energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence technology (ED-XRF). It provides breakthrough advances in multi-elemental analysis of major, minor, and trace element concentrations. New developments in excitation and detection deliver outstanding sensitivity and detection limits — yielding remarkable gains in precision and accuracy. The SPECTRO XEPOS can be offered as a package of: 
  • Instrument
  • Fusion technique
  • Calibration samples
  • Validation samples
  • Consumables
  • Installation
  • Calibration
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